Classpublic class Layout
InheritanceLayout Inheritance Object

The Layout class manages the creation of tracelines and tracelinegroups in a tree layout as defined in a XML descriptor. Each node of the tree extends the LayoutNode abstract class (currently TraceLineGroup, TraceLine, LayoutModifier or Timeline).

The XML descriptor is referenced by the _timeline property (_timeline.layoutXML[LAYOUT]) which is also the root of the tree (as a LayoutNode).

In addition to this definition, the _timeline.layoutXML xml contains a second section to define obsels selectors (_timeline.layoutXML[OBSELS_SELECTORS]). These selectors are used both to create CSS selector for ObselSkins (in order to use different skins) and to define traceline selectors.

The following XML element names are defined in this class:

Important When a new trace is dynamically added to a timeline (with a given stylename), the Layout is searched for a matching stylename. If no matching stylename is found, the last TimelineGroup definition is used. It is thus a good practice to always put a generic TimelineGroup definition at the end of the Layout.

Besides the XML driven creation, the Layout class can also be used to modify the tree with low level methods. For example: timeline.timelineLayout.addTraceline(traceline, parentLayoutNode);

View the examples

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  _timeline : Timeline
The timeline is the root of the tree structure (this is the timeline where the nodes will be created).
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addTraceline(traceline:TraceLine, parentNode:LayoutNode, xmlLayout:XML = null):LayoutNode
Add a traceline as a child to a LayoutNode
Create a LayoutModifier from an xml descriptor
createTraceLineGroupNode(xmlLayout:XML, trac:Trace):TraceLineGroup
Create a TracelineGroupNode from a xml descriptor and a trace
createTracelineGroupTree(trac:Trace, style:String = null):TraceLineGroup
Create a new TracelineGroup matching the given trace (URI) or style.
Create a Traceline from an xml descriptor
createTree(xmlLayout:XML, trac:Trace):LayoutNode
Create a tree structure of LayoutNode (TraceLineGroup, Traceline, ModifierNode) from an xml descriptor and a trace.
Get the current XML Layout
Load a set of obsels skins selectors from a XML descriptor.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  BACKGROUND_TRACELINE : String = background
[static] the stylename ('style' property) to indcate that a Traceline must be used as a TracelineGroup background traceline
  CONTEXT_PREVIEW_TRACELINE : String = contextPreview
[static] the stylename ('style' property) to indcate that a Traceline must be used as a preview (in the zoomContext preview zone)
  LAYOUT : String = layout
[static] the keyword to define the layout section in the xml descriptor
  MODIFIER : String = modifier
[static] the keyword to define a ModifierNode in the xml descriptor
  OBSELS_SELECTOR : String = obselsSelector
[static] the keyword to define an obsel skin selector in the xml descriptor
  OBSELS_SELECTORS : String = obselsSelectors
[static] the keyword to define the obsels skins selectors section in the xml descriptor
  ROOT : String = root
[static] the keyword to define the root of the xml document
  TRACELINE : String = tl
[static] the keyword to define a TraceLine in the xml descriptor
  TRACELINEGROUP : String = tlg
[static] the keyword to define a TraceLineGroup in the xml descriptor
Property Detail
public var _timeline:Timeline

The timeline is the root of the tree structure (this is the timeline where the nodes will be created). The timeline also contains the xml descriptor (_timeline.layoutXML[LAYOUT])

Constructor Detail
public function Layout(tl:Timeline)


tl:Timeline — The Timeline managed by the Layout class.
Method Detail
public function addTraceline(traceline:TraceLine, parentNode:LayoutNode, xmlLayout:XML = null):LayoutNode

Add a traceline as a child to a LayoutNode


traceline:TraceLine — The traceline to add
parentNode:LayoutNode — the LayoutNode where you want to add the traceline
xmlLayout:XML (default = null)

LayoutNode — the traceline
public function createModifierNode(xmlLayout:XML):LayoutModifier

Create a LayoutModifier from an xml descriptor


xmlLayout:XML — an xml descriptor of the LayoutModifier

LayoutModifier — the created LayoutModifier
public function createTraceLineGroupNode(xmlLayout:XML, trac:Trace):TraceLineGroup

Create a TracelineGroupNode from a xml descriptor and a trace


xmlLayout:XML — The XML descriptor of the TraceLineGroup
trac:Trace — The trace used to create the TraceLineGroup

TraceLineGroup — the TraceLineGroup node
public function createTracelineGroupTree(trac:Trace, style:String = null):TraceLineGroup

Create a new TracelineGroup matching the given trace (URI) or style. Select an XML descriptor of TraceLineGroup tree in the list of descriptors stored in the _timeline and create the tree structure. Select the first TraceLineGroup descriptor whose property 'source' is equal to the URI of trac or whose 'style' property is equal to the (optional) style parameter. If no such descriptor exists, the last descriptor of the list is used by default. // FIXME: or should we create a generic one?


trac:Trace — the Trace for which the tree is created
style:String (default = null) — an optional stylename used to select the TraceLineGroup definition in the xml descriptor.

TraceLineGroup — the created TraceLineGroup tree
public function createTraceLineNode(xmlLayout:XML):TraceLine

Create a Traceline from an xml descriptor


xmlLayout:XML — an xml descriptor of the traceline

TraceLine — the created traceline
public function createTree(xmlLayout:XML, trac:Trace):LayoutNode

Create a tree structure of LayoutNode (TraceLineGroup, Traceline, ModifierNode) from an xml descriptor and a trace. This is a recursive method. It uses the createTraceLineGroupNode, createTraceLineNode and createModifierNode methods.


xmlLayout:XML — the xml descriptor of the tree
trac:Trace — the trace for which the tree is created

LayoutNode — the root of the tree structure as a LayoutNode
public function getCurrentXmlLayout():XML

Get the current XML Layout

XML — the xml descriptor of the current tree structure
protected function layoutTreeToXml():XML

XML — the XML descriptor of the current timeline tree structure.
public function loadObselsSelectors(xmlSelectors:XMLList):void

Load a set of obsels skins selectors from a XML descriptor. It overwrites the current set if one exists.


xmlSelectors:XMLList — xml descriptor of a set of obsels skins selectors

protected function modifierTreeToXml(modifier:LayoutModifier):XML


modifier:LayoutModifier — a modifier tree

XML — the xml descriptor of a given modifier tree structure.
protected function obselsSelectorsToXml():XML

XML — the XML descriptor of the current timeline set of obsels skins selectors.
protected function tracelineTreeToXml(tl:TraceLine):XML


tl:TraceLine — a traceline tree

XML — the xml descriptor of a given traceline tree structure.
Constant Detail
public static const BACKGROUND_TRACELINE:String = background

the stylename ('style' property) to indcate that a Traceline must be used as a TracelineGroup background traceline

public static const CONTEXT_PREVIEW_TRACELINE:String = contextPreview

the stylename ('style' property) to indcate that a Traceline must be used as a preview (in the zoomContext preview zone)

public static const LAYOUT:String = layout

the keyword to define the layout section in the xml descriptor

public static const MODIFIER:String = modifier

the keyword to define a ModifierNode in the xml descriptor

public static const OBSELS_SELECTOR:String = obselsSelector

the keyword to define an obsel skin selector in the xml descriptor

public static const OBSELS_SELECTORS:String = obselsSelectors

the keyword to define the obsels skins selectors section in the xml descriptor

public static const ROOT:String = root

the keyword to define the root of the xml document

public static const TRACELINE:String = tl

the keyword to define a TraceLine in the xml descriptor

public static const TRACELINEGROUP:String = tlg

the keyword to define a TraceLineGroup in the xml descriptor

The minimal Layout definition that allows to see something
      <!-- this is the minimal layout definition that allows to see something-->
       <!--there is no ObselsSelectors definition. That means that all obsels will be rendered with the default obselSkin skin -->
      <!-- the layout definition -->
          <!-- Default and only traceLineGroup definition. Each Trace will use this definition -->
          <tlg >   
          <!-- One traceLine with no selector (every obsel will match) -->
               <tl />
              <!-- there is no traceLine tagged with the 'preview' attribute. Then, this Tracelinegroup preview (in the zoomContext part) is a traceline that renders the whole trace -->
          </tlg >    
A second version of mini layout. This one contains an ObselsSelectors section
        <!-- A second version of mini layout. This one contains an ObselsSelectors section -->
        <!-- The ObselsSelectors section defines selectors that are used to set a 'stylename' to obselSkins which match.
            This stylename can be used as obselSkins selectors in the CSS file
            For example:
            The 'selector' attribute is the class name of a ISelector implementaion.
            The 'selectorParams' is the serialisation of parameters needed to initialize the selector class in the order defined by the getParameters/setParameters functions    
            The obsels that don't match any selectors will be rendered with the default ObselSkin.
            <obselSelector id='Message'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message" />
            <obselSelector id='Document'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Document" />    
            <obselSelector id='Instructions'  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Instructions" />
            <obselSelector id='Marker'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Marker" />
            <obselSelector id='Keyword'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Keyword" />
            <obselSelector id='Comment'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,omment" />
        <!-- the layout definition -->
            <!-- Default and only traceLineGroup definition. Each Trace will use this definition -->
            <tlg >            
                <!-- One traceLine with no selector (every obsel will match) -->
                <tl />
                <!-- there is no traceLine tagged with the 'preview' attribute. Then, this Tracelinegroup preview (in the zoomContext part) is a traceline that renders the whole trace -->
            </tlg >                
A last version of mini layout. This one contains an ObselsSelectors section and uses a LayoutModifier to create Traceline
        <!-- A last version of mini layout. This one contains an ObselsSelectors section and uses a LayoutModifier to create Traceline -->
        <!-- The ObselsSelectors section defines selectors that are used to set a 'stylename' to obselSkins which match.
            This stylename can be used as obselSkins selectors in the CSS file
            For example:
            The 'selector' attribute is the class name of a ISelector implementaion.
            The 'selectorParams' is the serialisation of parameters needed to initialize the selector class in the order defined by the getPrameters/setParameters functions    
            Obsels that don't match any selectors will be rendered with the default ObselSkin.
            <obselSelector id='Message'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message" />
            <obselSelector id='Document'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Document" />    
            <obselSelector id='Instructions'  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Instructions" />
            <obselSelector id='Marker'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Marker" />
            <obselSelector id='Keyword'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Keyword" />
            <obselSelector id='Comment'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,omment" />
        <!-- the layout definition -->
            <!-- Default and only traceLineGroup definition. Each Trace will use this definition -->
            <tlg >            
                <!-- Instead of a static traceline, a LayoutModifier node could be used.
                     Then, tracelines will be dynamicaly generated when needed.
                     At the moment, the only implemented LayoutModifier is the splitter one that creates a new traceline for each value of the obsels property defined by the splitter attribute.
                     In this example, a new traceline will be created for each different type of Obsel. (see obsel.type)
                <modifier splitter="type" />                            
                <!-- there is no traceLine tagged with the 'preview' attribute. Then, this Tracelinegroup preview (in the zoomContext part) is a traceline that renders the whole trace -->
            </tlg >                
A basic layout definition of the old version of Visu2 with a static definition of the tree structure.
        <!-- A basic layout definition of the old version of Visu2 with a static definition of the tree structure.
        We want something like that:
            Summary view (according to user settings)
                |____ Message
                |____ Document
                |____ Marker
                |____ Instructions
                |____ Keyword
        <!-- The ObselsSelectors section -->        
            <obselSelector id='Message'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message" />
            <obselSelector id='Document'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Document" />    
            <obselSelector id='Instructions'  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Instructions" />
            <obselSelector id='Marker'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Marker" />
            <obselSelector id='Keyword'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Keyword" />
            <obselSelector id='Comment'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,omment" />
        <!-- the layout definition -->
                <!-- Tracelines can create their own selector in the same way as in the obselsSelectors section
                    Note: this selector should be changed at runtime to let the user select what he wants
                        =>    traceline.selector = new SelectorRegexp("type," + listOfTypes);
                The 'title' attribute defines the default traceline.title property and the too. -->            
                <tl title="Synthesis"  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message|Document|Marker|Instructions|Keyword" >                
                    <!-- Tracelines can also use selector ID of already created obselSelector
                        Note: We cannot use a layoutModifier to split obsels by type because the Message selector, for example, select  obsels with the 'Message' in the obsel.type string
                        but SendMessage and ReceiveMessage types exist, then the splitter would create two differents Tracelines -->            
                    <tl title="Message" selectorID="Message" />
                    <tl title="Document" selectorID="Document" />
                    <tl title="Marker" selectorID="Marker"    />
                    <tl title="Instructions" selectorID="Instructions"    />
                    <tl title="Keyword" selectorID="Keyword" />                
An enhanced layout definition of the old version of Visu2.
        <!-- An enhanced layout definition of the old version of Visu2. (see classicVisu2Layout.xml)
        In this enhanced version, we create a special tracelinegroup for Comments
        We add a traceline in the background of the users traceLineGroup
        We change the default preview traceLine in the zoomContext (remember that if not defined the preview traceline is the whole trace)
        And we use the autohide attribute to automaticlay hide or show a traceline when it is empty or not.
        We want something like that:
            Summary view (according to user settings)
                |____ Message
                |____ Document
                |____ Marker
                |____ Instructions
                |____ Keyword
            Summary view (according to user settings)
                |____ Message
                |____ Document
                |____ Marker
                |____ Instructions
                |____ Keyword
            (... for each user ...)
        <!-- The ObselsSelectors section -->        
            <obselSelector id='Message'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message" />
            <obselSelector id='Document'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Document" />    
            <obselSelector id='Instructions'  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Instructions" />
            <obselSelector id='Marker'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Marker" />
            <obselSelector id='Keyword'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Keyword" />
            <obselSelector id='Comment'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,omment" />
            <obselSelector id='Activity'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,ActivityStart" />
        <!-- the layout definition -->
            <!-- This is the  TraceLineGroup definition used when the stylename of the TraceLineGroup is "comments".
                The stylename can be set when using the timeline.addTrace (trace, index, stylename) function.        
                Of course the stylename could be used to create a CSS selector:
                The other way to select a TraceLineGroup definition is to use the URI of the trace as the 'source' attribute.
                Example: To use a special definition when trace.uri is 'trace-20110112105114-0.ttl'
                    <tlg source="trace-20110112105114-0.ttl" >
                        ... special tree structure...
            <tlg style="comments" >    
                <!-- A "style" attribute in a TraceLine definition is also used to set the stylename and then to create a CSS selector. -->
                <tl title="" style="comments">                        
            <!-- This is the default TraceLineGroup definition because this is the last TraceLineGroup definition -->
                The 'style="background"' attribute is used to define the traceline to be shown in the background of the traceLineGroup.
                <tl style="background"    selectorID="Activity" />
                The 'preview=true' attribute is used to define the previewed traceline in the zoomContext.
                Note: if more than one traceline has a 'preview=true' attribute, only the last one will be taken into account.
                Note 2: if the wanted traceline does not exist in the tree structure, it can be created with a 'style="contextPreview"' attribute (in the same way of the background traceline)
                    example: <tl style="contextPreview" selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message|Document|Marker|Instructions|Keyword|Activity" />
                <tl title="Synthesis"  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message|Document|Marker|Instructions|Keyword" >                
                        the autohide='true' attribute is used to automaticaly show/hide tracelines if the traceline is empty or not.
                    <tl title="Message" selectorID="Message"  autohide='true'/>
                    <tl title="Document" selectorID="Document" autohide='true'/>
                    <tl title="Marker" selectorID="Marker" autohide='true'    />
                    <tl title="Instructions" selectorID="Instructions"    autohide='true' />
                    <tl title="Keyword" selectorID="Keyword" autohide='true' />                
New version of the Visu2 layout.
        <!-- The obselsSelectors section defines the selectors used to create ObselSkin CSS selectors to use different skins.-->        
        <!-- The selectors defined in this section can also be used in the layout section as selector for Tracelines -->        
            <obselSelector id='Message'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Message" />
            <obselSelector id='PlayDocumentVideo'  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,PlayDocumentVideo" />
            <obselSelector id='Document'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Document" />    
            <obselSelector id='Instructions'  selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Instructions" />
            <obselSelector id='Marker'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Marker" />
            <obselSelector id='Keyword'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Keyword" />
            <obselSelector id='Activity'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,ActivityStart" />
            <obselSelector id='Comment'       selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,omment" />
        <!-- The layout section defines the tree structure of the timeline. -->
            <!-- This TracelineGroup definition is used when the stylename of the TracelineGroup is 'comments'
                (the stylename of TracelineGroup can be set when calling the timeline.addTrace(..) function.) -->
            <!-- the stylename is used to create CSS selectors -->
            <tlg style="comments" >                
                <tl title="" style="comments" preview="true" >        
                    <!-- a layoutModifier is used to create one traceline by document (split when an obsel with new value obsel.props['commentforuserid'] is added -->
                    <!-- the autohide attribute will set for each traceline created -->
                    <modifier name="commentsGenerator" style="comments" splitter="commentforuserid" source="parent" autohide="true" />
                The default tracelinegroup definition of this layout (because this is the last tracelinegroup definition.
                Used for the traces of users.
                <!-- definition of the traceline in the background of the tracelinegroup -->
                <!-- the selector is already defined in the obselsSelectors setion -->
                <tl style="background"    selectorID="Activity" />
                <!-- autohide='true' is used to automaticaly hide or show the traceline when it is empty or not -->
                <tl title="Marqueurs" selectorID="Marker" autohide="true" />        
                <!-- A new selector must be created -->
                <tl title="Messages" selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="type,Instructions|Keyword|Message" autohide="true"/>
                <tl title="Documents" selectorID="Document" autohide="true">
                    <!-- the selector is not for the classic 'type' property but for 'typedocument' -->
                    <tl title="Images" selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="typedocument,image" autohide="true">
                        <!-- a layoutModifier is used to create one traceline by document (split when an obsel with new value obsel.props['iddocument'] is added -->
                        <!-- the autohide attribute will set for each traceline created -->
                        <!-- the source attribute is set to 'parent' to use the parent traceline ('Images') as obsels source instead of the trace -->
                        <modifier name="imagesGenerator" splitter="iddocument" source="parent" autohide="true" />
                    <tl title="Videos" selector="SelectorRegexp" selectorParams="typedocument,video" autohide="true">
                        <modifier name="videosGenerator" splitter="iddocument" source="parent" autohide="true" />
                <!-- Note: There is no preview attribute in this tracelinegroup, then the preview traceline is the not filtered whole trace -->            